Friday, April 27, 2012

post 3

Real love comes and if it leaves it comes back to stay.
A rose is the symbol of love that lasts for eternity through the thick and thin.
Luis has thoughts of being in the gang and risks his whole life but fights and makes the correct decision in the end.
Do not wish upon things to happen and Luis and Kiara finally opened their mouths and stood up with all the consequences and outcomes aside.
With no trust there is no love. Luis was very much not trusted but he grew to let Nikki in and she trusted him.
Be true to the one you love, Luis really understand that Nikki was more important than anything else in his life and he has to cherish that.
Loyalty is the most important asset in life, Luis and Nikki fought to make their relationship more loyal and trust each other more.
True love never lies. When it is true it will come back no matter what happens.
You can not wait around guessing, you just have to try what you feel, Luis and Kiara tried and look at the outcome.
If things were meant to be, they will be. You can not just try to make things happen. It is clear that Luis and Nikki wanted to be with each other it was just a matter of waiting to see if it was meant to be.
Opposites attract, Luis came from a poor family and with gangs but Kiara came from a well brought up family and was kind of popular.
Kiara is more and more attracted to Luis from his bad boy characteristics, even when he can be sweet sometimes.
Love is no betrayal, Luis kind of betrays Nikki but realized he was very wrong and makes up for his bad actions.
Hate is a very strong work but Nikki thinks that she hates every latino guy there is in Fairfield, but realizes not every single guy is the same.
Love lasts forever, a long lifetime. Luis and Nikki will love each other until they both take their last breath. Love never fails if it it truly real.

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