Tuesday, May 15, 2012

post 6

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I picked this song becuase it symbolizes love and how to understand the complications of love. Nikki made me pick this song, she is one of the main characters from Cain Reaction, that has a very hard time in making it through life without thinking that every guy is exactly th same. She got hurt very badly and this reminds me of her staying strong and always getting up when she gets knocked down or feels low. she overcame the bad obstacles in her life an dfinally let go of the bad things and people that were very unhealythy for her. This song is for how she overcame her difficulties in her life and still stands high no matter what the case.

Monday, May 14, 2012

post 9

I have read Willow, Chain Reaction, The Hunger Games, The Notebook, and Rules of Attraction. I liked all of these books, but I did think that "Willow" should have been a little longer becuase it ended in a very weird and not right spot. I absolutely adore complocating love stories, so all of the books I read, I really enjoy reading them and liked them a lot. My ultimate favorites were "Chain Reaction" and "Willow", becuase they were more based off things that actually happen in life each and every day. Love and pain are what mostly takes place in these two books, and they are very interesting to read about becuase they can be true and have true meaning to it. "The Notebook", "Rules of Attraction", and "The Hunger Games" are all very good books but they are not really something that will happen in real life. Two are about a boy and girl who fall in love at the end, as opposed to the two books I said i liked the most becuase they are true and more realistic than the other three. Life is difficult and challenging all of the time, but sometimes books are just fairy tales and do not rarely happen in the real word throughout life.

Stolen Prey by John Sandford
The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
The Shining by Stephen King
Handling the Undead by John Ajvide

post 7

    I completely agree with what Jude Deveraraux is saying becuase that is what all of the stories are now, love and happiness. When in reality, sometimes it can be fake love and not end up in happiness becuase of any reason there is. Stories have always been the same and are still ther same, we do not even have to guess how the end of romances go, beacuse no matter what they always end up falling in love with each other. Although, there are very few stories that end up badly like, "A Walk To Remember", by Nichola Sparks. Who would have known that they would not end up together? Books are one out of a million a mystery, you can usually tell if they are going to be a mystery before you even start reading the books. It is possible to come up with a new story that does not end up the same as boy meets girl, they fall in love, boy does something bad, then girl forgives him.  It is very difficult to do so but i think if stories were different, life would kind of be sad in them becuase the only way I could think of changing them is making a never happy ever after.
    I think that movies like You've Got Mail ang 10 things I Hate About You should for sure should considered modern adaptations. The reason I think this is becuase these movies really have a huge impact on the classics and follow the basic plot line more than others. I understand that other movies may have the same plot line but they can not pick several movies to be remakes of the classics, they have to make one the closest to it and it is a modern adaptation because of this. the movies that are considered modern adaotations are meant to be based off of the classics, not just any ordinary movie. It is not an act of coincidence, it is simply the movie that is meant to based off of the classic on purpose, to remake the oldies.

post 6

post 5

    The Taming of the Shrew and Pride and Prejudice are both very similar and very different in many ways that will be demonstrated. Both books/ movies are based on people loving one another and there are acts and doings of people that are similar to each other in a way. Love is very complicated and in order for it to really happen in each of these books/ movies, there are certain things that must be done. In Pride and Prejudice, the mother wants the daughters to marry someone with high duties and is very wealthy. Just like in The Taming of the Strew, in which the father wants the daughter to marry someone with high royalty and whom is quite wealthy, these two stories have people try very hard to protect their young.
    These two stories have something to do with trying to succeed in life with the best actions that they possible could go for. In both stories, the people are playing hard to get and trying to make it through life with experiencing new things whether they are good or bad. they both have prejudice in it, in some way or form it s present. In general, Pride and Prejudice is highly based on prejudice on who the daughters marry and where they move to. The Taming of the Strew contains the same concept, people are waiting around to marry one another but it is very hard to meet all of the requirements leading up to it.


post 1

  Victoria's Past reminds me very much of Pride and Prejudice for many reasons. Such as, the clothes that are worn in these modern times and the type of dialogue they spoke back then. The dancing is trifling and silly, so of course this dance took place in both sources because they happened around the same time. There was also the big and crazy dresses that women wore with corsets underneath to keep everything in its place.
  It was a very big thing to do your hair and make sure it is just right before entering the public outgoings. A lady must be very concerned with the guy that is of her liking to dance with and should not do much unless told by the guy. These two subjects are very similar to one another, in Pride and Prejudice they dance very foolish and silly like until the long songs are over and they may have a break for a while. In Victoria's Past this ballroom dancing is important as well because the same rules apply as in the subject I just mentioned.

post 2

    This word mosaic is about Luis Fuentes from Chain Reaction. He is a bad and tough guy living in the south side of Fairfield and is trying to follow both of his older brothers footsteps in the gang and being popular. He tries to act all tough and bad but he is actually very smart and brave. He is very confident in everything he does and takes risks because he really enjoys the thrill.
    Luis may be a jerk to act different in front of everyone to seem cool, but he can be kind at times and is very lovable when he wants to be. He cracks jokes a lot and is very funny, even when he does not even try to be. He likes putting up a challenge for himself and trying to complete it and overcome it himself. He has a  soft heart boy that can be mean if he wanted or had a good reason to be.