Monday, May 14, 2012

post 1

  Victoria's Past reminds me very much of Pride and Prejudice for many reasons. Such as, the clothes that are worn in these modern times and the type of dialogue they spoke back then. The dancing is trifling and silly, so of course this dance took place in both sources because they happened around the same time. There was also the big and crazy dresses that women wore with corsets underneath to keep everything in its place.
  It was a very big thing to do your hair and make sure it is just right before entering the public outgoings. A lady must be very concerned with the guy that is of her liking to dance with and should not do much unless told by the guy. These two subjects are very similar to one another, in Pride and Prejudice they dance very foolish and silly like until the long songs are over and they may have a break for a while. In Victoria's Past this ballroom dancing is important as well because the same rules apply as in the subject I just mentioned.

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