Monday, May 14, 2012

post 7

    I completely agree with what Jude Deveraraux is saying becuase that is what all of the stories are now, love and happiness. When in reality, sometimes it can be fake love and not end up in happiness becuase of any reason there is. Stories have always been the same and are still ther same, we do not even have to guess how the end of romances go, beacuse no matter what they always end up falling in love with each other. Although, there are very few stories that end up badly like, "A Walk To Remember", by Nichola Sparks. Who would have known that they would not end up together? Books are one out of a million a mystery, you can usually tell if they are going to be a mystery before you even start reading the books. It is possible to come up with a new story that does not end up the same as boy meets girl, they fall in love, boy does something bad, then girl forgives him.  It is very difficult to do so but i think if stories were different, life would kind of be sad in them becuase the only way I could think of changing them is making a never happy ever after.
    I think that movies like You've Got Mail ang 10 things I Hate About You should for sure should considered modern adaptations. The reason I think this is becuase these movies really have a huge impact on the classics and follow the basic plot line more than others. I understand that other movies may have the same plot line but they can not pick several movies to be remakes of the classics, they have to make one the closest to it and it is a modern adaptation because of this. the movies that are considered modern adaotations are meant to be based off of the classics, not just any ordinary movie. It is not an act of coincidence, it is simply the movie that is meant to based off of the classic on purpose, to remake the oldies.


  1. HI MARIA! XD...Haha, Anyway I completely agree with what you say too because it seems that every time a movie or book comes out, we already know the outcome of the story. Same concept "boy meets girl, boy makes a mistake and girl forgives" the end. Why cant there be a huge twist to it? The other way around? Like all love stories, the girl has to be put on spot for something a retarded guy did, society needs to wake up and get a new life and output on what love is really like.

  2. Although most movies do have a happy ending, there are a few that don't, and I think as readers we take more away from those stories that don't. If all the stories we read end in happily ever after, we start to believe that real life is also that way, but it isn't.
